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FTRC.BLOG / What to do and Where to go in Berlin

What to do and Where to go in Berlin

Berlin is a city that has so much to offer, making it impossible to create a definitive “top 10” list. Whether you’re on a whirlwind tour or just want to hit the highlights, these are the articles I wrote about where to go and what to do in Berlin:

Exploring the Historical Significance of Flugzeughallen Karlshorst in Berlin

Exploring the Historical Significance of Flugzeughallen Karlshorst in Berlin

Flugzeughallen Karlshorst lies somewhere in Karlshorst, an area of Berlin not famous for its tourist spots. But they are famous for some things, and most of them are related to the end of the Second World War since there was the place where the unconditional surrender of Nazi Germany against the Allied f…

On the Wall – Lettering versus Calligraphy

On the Wall – Lettering versus Calligraphy

With their blog Lettering versus Calligraphy, Martina Flor and Giuseppe Salerno became famous in typography. There, they battle with individual letters in various styles and forms to show the similarities and differences between drawn and handwritten fonts. We were at the Buchstabenmuseum for the opening of On the Wall…

I watched this short video from Kreuzberg in 1979 and wonder how much can a neighborhood change. I walk around the Kreuzberg streets of the video below without thinking about how different this neighborhood was less than 35 years ago. But everything was different back then.

Kreuzberg in 1979: From a Divided City to a Vibrant Neighborhood

I watched this short video from Kreuzberg in 1979 and wondered how much a neighborhood can change. In the video below, I walk around the Kreuzberg streets without thinking about how different this neighborhood was less than 35 years ago.

BBI – Berlin Burger International

BBI – Berlin Burger International

If you are looking for the best burger in Berlin, you will find it at BBI – Berlin Burger International. We researched, and every burger we tasted pointed to this tiny burger joint on Pannierstraße. If you don’t believe us, just look at the pictures below, take the bus and go there. Try it, and…&nbsp…

Berlin Street Art Meeting: Winter 2014 Edition

Berlin Street Art Meeting: Winter 2014 Edition

Back in February 2014, we decided to check out the Berlin Street Art Meeting at Urban Spree. We’ve been obsessed with street art since we moved to Berlin, so it seemed the perfect place to see what’s up in the city. Turns out, it was a blast! Walking into Urban Spree felt like stepping into… Read More &raqu…

Shit Expat Berliners Say is not just another video mocking expats in Berlin but tells things like they really are. You know that.

Shit Expat Berliners Say: Exposing the truth about expats in Berlin

<div class=”aligncenter”><!– Go to to customize your tools –> <div class=”addthis_native_toolbox”></div></div> We found this video about Shit Expat Berliners Say as soon as we moved to Berlin, almost two years ago. It took us a …

You have to see Make Me a German below as a British joke on Germany. If you don't see it like that, I don't think you will enjoy it as much as I did. If you do, maybe, it will help you with some things that tricked me for a while. Like how productive Germans can be, how much do they love beer and potatoes and, of course, how they take care of children.

Make Me a German – A Funny Series from BBC

You must see Make Me a German below as a British joke on Germany. If you don’t see it like that, I don’t think you will enjoy it as much as I did. If you do, maybe, it will help you with some things that tricked me for a while.

A City Scarred: Berlin’s Resilience and Reminders from 1945

A City Scarred: Berlin’s Resilience and Reminders from 1945

Berlin was Germany’s largest and most important city when the Second World War started in 1939. This city paid the price for being the Reich’s Capital, and in many ways, it still remembers what happened in 1945 in its streets and buildings.

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