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We found this video about Shit Expat Berliners Say as soon as we moved to Berlin, almost two years ago. It took us a while to post it here. And it is strange to see how we identify around us so many things similar to this video. After all this time, it is weird to see how much of that is still true.
The things we agree the most with the video are those below.
- Yes, beer is cheaper than soda in Berlin. Sometimes, even cheaper than water but those beers are kind of weird.
- I really need to learn to speak German. We keep trying and failing.
- German television is crap.
- You do not need a bike but it will help a lot in your life.
- Everybody smokes, everywhere, all the time.
Shit Expat Berliners Say is not just another video mocking expats in Berlin. This is almost too good to be true.
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