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FTRC.BLOG / Embarking on the Frame Travel Roam Capture Journey

Embarking on the Frame Travel Roam Capture Journey

Greetings, fellow wanderers! I’m Felipe Tofani, the creator steering the Frame Travel Roam Capture course. This project began as a photography venture aimed at kindling the curiosity of those around the globe who find themselves in the vibrant city of Berlin.

This initiative swiftly outgrew its origins, blossoming into a global exploration I’m thrilled to share today. Now, let’s dive into the nitty-gritty—our journey, our growth, and the numbers that tell our story.

Frame Travel Roam Capture began its odyssey as Fotostrasse, a photography meet-up that started in early 2013. It officially unfurled its digital sails as a blog in January 2014.

Since then, the community surrounding this project has flourished, marking a consistent and robust expansion journey. In July 2023, Fotostrasse ended, and Frame Travel Roam Capture began its course.

Based on the data from the last couple of months, our audience is mainly in Europe and English-speaking countries. Most users come from Germany, the United States, the United Kingdom and the Netherlands. You can see more data in the screenshot below.

Notably, most of our audience is between 18 and 34, reflecting a shared passion for discovery and adventure. According to our Google Analytics data, our users could be described as a mix ot Travel Buffs, Technophiles, Shutterbugs and Movie Lovers. This makes sense since we focus on photography, architecture, movies, and series locations and travel around Europe and Berlin.

Join me as I navigate the ever-expanding horizons of Frame Travel Roam Capture, where every click and visit becomes a shared moment in this unfolding adventure.

Cheers to exploration!