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Berlin in 1990 In Video

Can you imagine Berlin in 1990? Now, you can see it on a series of YouTube videos. The year was 1990, and the Berlin Wall had just fallen. And somebody decided to go to Berlin and explore the city with his camera.

As always, I see how much Berlin has changed in the last 20 years, and, of course, it is weird for me to see it.

The friends on the video above seem to be in Berlin to see the The Wall – Live in Berlin, we believe. This concert happened in july 1990 in the empty space between Potsdamer Platz and the Brandenburg Gate, a place that was part of the former “no man’s land” of the Berlin Wall.

This was unusual even for that time since nobody knew for sure if the area was covered in landmines. Before setting up everything, the producers had to hire a team of people to sweep the area. This is how they found a cache of ammunition and the previously unknown SS Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler bunker.

So, thanks to a Roger Waters in Berlin, the führer bunker was found.

Can you imagine something like this happening nowadays?

via Berlin 1990 – A guy and his camera explore Berlin a few months after the fall of the Berlin Wall – [Crosspost from r/ObscureMedia]: Germany

Felipe Tofani

Felipe Tofani

Felipe Tofani is a passionate designer who loves creating experiences and has a mix of music tastes. As the guy behind this blog, he enjoys finding fascinating places to explore. Whether he’s unearthing up hidden gems or sharing interesting historical stories, Felipe is the creative force behind the content here. Join him on this journey of design, discovery, and some pretty awesome tunes.View Author posts

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