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Do You Read Me?! – The best place to buy magazines in Berlin

This shop in Auguststrasse is like a piece of heaven for every creative person in love with magazines. At Do You Read Me?!, you can find everything you always wanted to see and more. And when I say more, I mean it. You can spend a long time browsing through the magazines they have there without even thinking. This place is fantastic.

So amazing that I had forbidden myself from going there. It is true.

At the beginning of 2013, I worked for an advertising agency on Rosenthaler Platz. The agency was near the shop, and I remember having the cheapest lunch possible every day to buy all the magazines I wanted. Really.

After a while, I realized I wasn’t going through the magazines and just stopped. But, every time I go there, I keep trying to go home with more reading material than possible.

Now you know how much I love Do You Read Me?! This is all because the store is impressive. Once you open the door, it feels like you are entering another world. Their selection of magazines goes from music to architecture, art to graphic design, and typography.

If those subjects are close to your heart, you will turn to Do You Read Me?! Into your favorite Mitte store.

Are you looking for the best place to buy magazines in Berlin? Just go to Do You Read Me?!

And it’s all because of Jessica Reitz and Mark Kiessling, who decided to open the shop back in 2008. The reason behind it? The lack of shops selling the international magazines they were trying to find in Berlin. They took this problem into their own hands and solved it when Do You Read Me?! was open.

If you are interested in their story, there is an excellent interview with them at Kinfolk.

One of my favorite things about Do You Read Me?! is that they have these magazines that I know I will never find anywhere else.

Some are more like zines than magazines, and I always go home with one whenever I visit the shop. And the best thing is that if you cannot find what you are looking for, just talk to the great people there and they will find it. It is a fact.

They also have a subscription package that should be the best thing ever. The idea is that you give them a topic and a budget, and they will send you a bunch of magazines that cover that topic. Amazing, right?

As a designer, every time a fellow professional friend comes to Berlin, I know that I’ll have to take him there, which is why I’m writing this article. Next time one of my designer friends comes to Berlin, I will just share this with them.

You can find Do You Read Me?! at Auguststrasse 28, in the heart of Mitte. The best U-Bahn station to get there is Weinmeisterstrasse, and you’ll need to walk a few blocks to get there, but it is easy.

Just follow the map below, and you will love me later.

Do You Read Me?!

Auguststrasse 28, 10117 Berlin-Mitte; U8: Rosenthaler Platz

Felipe Tofani

Felipe Tofani

Felipe Tofani is a passionate designer with a penchant for crafting unique experiences and a mixed taste in music. As the curator behind this blog's explorations, he takes pride in discovering fascinating destinations. Whether unearthing hidden gems or sharing captivating historical narratives, Felipe is the creative force driving the stories you find here. Join him on a journey of design, discovery, and the delightful rhythm of unconventional tunes.View Author posts

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