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Helsinki’s Wise Mice: The National Archives of Finland’s Adorable Welcome Committee

Guess who’s the surprise greeter at the National Archives of Finland? Yep, you got it – a teeny, tiny mouse! And I call it the Helsinki’s Wise Mice. 

Here, you can forget about your usual library rules; this little furball welcomes you with a quirky twist since this wise mouse explores and takes notes on the stairs leading to the National Archives.

And you can see it all in the pictures I took there during a trip to Helsinki in January 2023.

Guess who's the surprise greeter at the National Archives of Finland? Yep, you got it – a teeny, tiny mouse! And I call it the Helsinki's Wise Mice. 

Imagine a pint-sized rodent balancing a pencil like a boss on its shoulder, as if it’s about to sign some top-secret documents, whip up a mini log cabin, or help you with your homework.

They call it “Viisas Hiiri” or “Wise Mice,” it was crafted by the incredible artist and punk rocker Jyrki Siukonen and placed there in 2000. It’s one of the many projects the Helsinki Cultural City Foundation set up and the State Works of Art Commission’s Stop and Look series in the Year of Culture 2000.

This mouse isn’t pulling a disappearing act, but it’s so sneaky that many visitors might miss it. It was tricky to find, mainly because it’s such a small statue that I thought it was covered in snow when I looked for it.

But that wasn’t the case. I just had to look in the right place.
Guess who's the surprise greeter at the National Archives of Finland? Yep, you got it – a teeny, tiny mouse! And I call it the Helsinki's Wise Mice. 
Guess who's the surprise greeter at the National Archives of Finland? Yep, you got it – a teeny, tiny mouse! And I call it the Helsinki's Wise Mice. 

So, if you want to see Helsinki’s Wise Mice, head to the upper staircase, not the lower one, that leads to the café, and you might spot it relaxing on a stone ledge.

But wait… there’s more!

On the second floor, there’s another part of the mouse gang. This time, it’s hanging out on a bronze book next to a ladder, with a Latin saying, “Spoken words fly away, written words remain.” It’s too bad I didn’t get inside the building to photograph it. Maybe next time I’m in town.

Guess who's the surprise greeter at the National Archives of Finland? Yep, you got it – a teeny, tiny mouse! And I call it the Helsinki's Wise Mice. 

A quick tip: If you plan to visit these mice, hit up the upper stairs for the outdoor one, and don’t forget to say hi to its indoor buddy on the second floor. Both only come out to play when the archives are open.

Happy mouse hunting!

Helsinki’s Wise Mice: The National Archives of Finland’s Adorable Welcome Committee

17 Rauhankatu
Helsinki, 00170

Felipe Tofani

Felipe Tofani

Felipe Tofani is a passionate designer with a penchant for crafting unique experiences and a mixed taste in music. As the curator behind this blog's explorations, he takes pride in discovering fascinating destinations. Whether unearthing hidden gems or sharing captivating historical narratives, Felipe is the creative force driving the stories you find here. Join him on a journey of design, discovery, and the delightful rhythm of unconventional tunes.View Author posts

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