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The Pianola Museum Amsterdam: Where Music Comes Alive

Amsterdam is famous for its museums. But hidden among the big names like the Rijksmuseum and the Van Gogh Museum is a smaller, quirkier gem: the Pianola Museum. This museum is a must-see if you love music or want something different to see in a city like Amsterdam!

I was in Amsterdam in the summer of 2018 when I visited the Pianola Museum. I was staying at the wonderful Canal House Amsterdam and decided to explore the area, focusing on unusual sights to see something new in a city I had visited many times before. During the research, I learned about the Catboat Sanctuary and pianolas…

As somebody more interested in music and musical instruments than your typical person, I needed to explore this museum with my eyes and ears.

Amsterdam is famous for its museums. But hidden among the big names like the Rijksmuseum and the Van Gogh Museum is a smaller, quirkier gem: the Pianola Museum. This museum is a must-see if you love music or want something different to see in a city like Amsterdam!

Step Back in Time at the Pianola Museum Amsterdam

What exactly is a pianola? Well, imagine a piano that plays itself! If that doesn’t make sense, try to remember the automatic pianos from Western movies or old cartoons, and you might start to get a picture.

Pianolas, also known as player pianos, were all the rage in the late 1800s and early 1900s. They were like the first kind of “automatic” music. These rolls were like long pieces of paper with holes punched in them. The pianola would “read” the holes and play the music. The Pianola Museum has an unbelievable collection of these amazing instruments, around 50! You’ll see how they worked and listen to them play music from long ago.

The museum is in a cool part of Amsterdam called the Jordaan. This area used to be where working-class people lived. It’s hard to imagine now, with its fancy houses and trendy shops. Still, most people in the Jordaan couldn’t afford a pianola back then.

Interestingly, the Jordaan is connected to another famous Amsterdam museum: the Anne Frank House. At the Pianola Museum, I learned that the building where Anne Frank and her family hid used to be a factory that produced music rolls for pianolas.

Amsterdam is famous for its museums. But hidden among the big names like the Rijksmuseum and the Van Gogh Museum is a smaller, quirkier gem: the Pianola Museum. This museum is a must-see if you love music or want something different to see in a city like Amsterdam!
Amsterdam is famous for its museums. But hidden among the big names like the Rijksmuseum and the Van Gogh Museum is a smaller, quirkier gem: the Pianola Museum. This museum is a must-see if you love music or want something different to see in a city like Amsterdam!
Amsterdam is famous for its museums. But hidden among the big names like the Rijksmuseum and the Van Gogh Museum is a smaller, quirkier gem: the Pianola Museum. This museum is a must-see if you love music or want something different to see in a city like Amsterdam!
Amsterdam is famous for its museums. But hidden among the big names like the Rijksmuseum and the Van Gogh Museum is a smaller, quirkier gem: the Pianola Museum. This museum is a must-see if you love music or want something different to see in a city like Amsterdam!

At the Pianola Museum, you can see how these rolls worked and even hear some of the music they played. Some composers even wrote special music just for pianolas, which was too hard for a person to play! These pieces can sound pretty outlandish since they didn’t need to follow the human body’s limitations.

The museum is a little small, which makes it even more special. One of the helpful volunteers will give you a personal tour and tell you about the history of pianolas and how they change how people listen to music. This was one of the tour’s highlights: the tour guide’s passion made me see everything differently.

Sadly, the pianola eventually lost its popularity over the years. When radios and record players came along, people found new ways to enjoy music. But at the Pianola Museum, you can step back in time and experience the magic of this forgotten technology.

Below you can watch a short video of a museum tour so you can listen to the pianolas!

Amsterdam is famous for its museums. But hidden among the big names like the Rijksmuseum and the Van Gogh Museum is a smaller, quirkier gem: the Pianola Museum. This museum is a must-see if you love music or want something different to see in a city like Amsterdam!
Amsterdam is famous for its museums. But hidden among the big names like the Rijksmuseum and the Van Gogh Museum is a smaller, quirkier gem: the Pianola Museum. This museum is a must-see if you love music or want something different to see in a city like Amsterdam!

Pianola Museum Amsterdam: A Musical Journey Through Time

If you are a music nerd like me, you must visit this unusual Amsterdam museum. It’s a great way to learn about music history and see something unique. Plus, you’ll get to explore the charming Jordaan neighborhood from there!

The Pianola Museum is a hidden gem that will delight music lovers and history buffs alike. Add it to your Amsterdam itinerary and prepare for a musical journey through time!

Pianola Museum: A Must-See for Music Lovers in Amsterdam

Westerstraat 106, 1015 MN
Amsterdam, Netherlands

Felipe Tofani

Felipe Tofani

Felipe Tofani is a passionate designer with a penchant for crafting unique experiences and a mixed taste in music. As the curator behind this blog's explorations, he takes pride in discovering fascinating destinations. Whether unearthing hidden gems or sharing captivating historical narratives, Felipe is the creative force driving the stories you find here. Join him on a journey of design, discovery, and the delightful rhythm of unconventional tunes.View Author posts