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Balancierende Figuren: a balancing act close to the sky in Marzahn-Hellersdorf

If you go for a walk next to the Eisenacher Strasse in Marzahn-Hellersdorf, remember to look up. There, you will find the Balancierende Figuren, a group of sculptures created by Hubertus von der Goltz that have decorated the apartment blocks in the area since 1997.

One of the best pieces of advice I remember getting when I started taking pictures like crazy was always looking up. Something is always hidden, out of sight, at the top of buildings. This is true once you get to Marzahn-Hellersdorf to take pictures.

We went there on a cold winter day in early 2021 just as an excuse to leave the house and see something different than the usual sights around Neukölln. We were pretty surprised when we saw some sculptures on top of a building.

If you go for a walk next to the Eisenacher Strasse in Marzahn-Hellersdorf, don't forget to look up. There you will find the Balancierende Figuren, a group of sculptures created by Hubertus von der Goltz that decorate the apartment blocks in the area since 1997.

These larger-than-life aluminum sculptures are the work of Hubertus von der Goltz, a German artist born in 1941 and a Berlin resident since 1984. His goal with the artwork was to portray the balancing act of togetherness in everyday life.

His work was chosen by the Hellersdorf Housing Association, also known as WoGeHe, back in 1997 to improve the apartments for those living there. The state-owned company uses 3% of its annual budget for design and art projects like this one.

If you go for a walk next to the Eisenacher Strasse in Marzahn-Hellersdorf, don't forget to look up. There you will find the Balancierende Figuren, a group of sculptures created by Hubertus von der Goltz that decorate the apartment blocks in the area since 1997.
If you go for a walk next to the Eisenacher Strasse in Marzahn-Hellersdorf, don't forget to look up. There you will find the Balancierende Figuren, a group of sculptures created by Hubertus von der Goltz that decorate the apartment blocks in the area since 1997.
If you go for a walk next to the Eisenacher Strasse in Marzahn-Hellersdorf, don't forget to look up. There you will find the Balancierende Figuren, a group of sculptures created by Hubertus von der Goltz that decorate the apartment blocks in the area since 1997.
If you go for a walk next to the Eisenacher Strasse in Marzahn-Hellersdorf, don't forget to look up. There you will find the Balancierende Figuren, a group of sculptures created by Hubertus von der Goltz that decorate the apartment blocks in the area since 1997.
If you go for a walk next to the Eisenacher Strasse in Marzahn-Hellersdorf, don't forget to look up. There you will find the Balancierende Figuren, a group of sculptures created by Hubertus von der Goltz that decorate the apartment blocks in the area since 1997.

On Eisenacher Strasse 61 and 63, close to the sky, flat figures feel like they are perpetually floating above the building. The Balancierende Figuren carefully balances on the edge of the construction forever.

When we visited the area, we even had our drone with us. We were glad for that because we could document the sculptures from above, with the Gärten der Welt in the background.

If you go for a walk next to the Eisenacher Strasse in Marzahn-Hellersdorf, don't forget to look up. There you will find the Balancierende Figuren, a group of sculptures created by Hubertus von der Goltz that decorate the apartment blocks in the area since 1997.
If you go for a walk next to the Eisenacher Strasse in Marzahn-Hellersdorf, don't forget to look up. There you will find the Balancierende Figuren, a group of sculptures created by Hubertus von der Goltz that decorate the apartment blocks in the area since 1997.
Balancierende Figuren: a balancing act close to the sky in Marzahn-Hellersdorf

If you want to visit the place as we did, you just need to follow the map below, and that is it.

Balancierende Figuren in Marzahn-Hellersdorf

Eisenacher Str. 63, 12629

Felipe Tofani

Felipe Tofani

Felipe Tofani is a passionate designer with a penchant for crafting unique experiences and a mixed taste in music. As the curator behind this blog's explorations, he takes pride in discovering fascinating destinations. Whether unearthing hidden gems or sharing captivating historical narratives, Felipe is the creative force driving the stories you find here. Join him on a journey of design, discovery, and the delightful rhythm of unconventional tunes.View Author posts

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