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FTRC.BLOG / What to do and Where to go in Berlin

What to do and Where to go in Berlin

Berlin is a city that has so much to offer, making it impossible to create a definitive “top 10” list. Whether you’re on a whirlwind tour or just want to hit the highlights, these are the articles I wrote about where to go and what to do in Berlin:

Most people, when they visit Berlin for the first time, find time to visit the famous Checkpoint Charlie. This infamous border crossing between East and West Berlin is a classical tourist stop for people interested in the Second World War and the relationship between Communist Germany, the USSR and the Allied Forces that controlled West Germany.

What can you do around Checkpoint Charlie?

When they visit Berlin for the first time, most people find time to visit the famous Checkpoint Charlie. This infamous border crossing between East and West Berlin is a classic tourist stop for people interested in the Second World War and the relationship between Communist Germany, the USSR, and the Allied Forces that…

Modulor can be easily described as a piece of heaven for designers, architects and fans of DIY. All of this because Modulor offers more than 30.000 creative products in a space that is way more than a regular crafts shop. Modulor can be considered a pilgrimage place for designers alike in Berlin. And it is.

A Visit to Modulor – A Heaven for Designers in Berlin

Modulor can be easily described as heaven for designers, architects, and DIY fans. This is because Modulor offers more than 30.000 creative products in a space that is way more than a regular crafts shop. Modulor can be considered a pilgrimage place for designers alike in Berlin. And it sure is.

Berlin Dynamic is the name of this amazing video timelapse of Berlin made by Matthias Makarinus between May 2010 and September 2011. He took over 50.000 pictures just to make this beautiful movie that clocks a little under 10 minutes.

Berlin Dynamic by Matthias Makarinus

Berlin Dynamic is the name of this fantastic video time-lapse of Berlin made by Matthias Makarinus between May 2010 and September 2011. He took over 50.000 pictures just to make this beautiful movie that clocks a little under 10 minutes.

There is a bridge south of the Oberbaumbrucke that is not that famous but has one of the best views of Berlin and the Spree river. This bridge is called Elsebrucke, and you can find it in Treptow, close to the Molecule Man. From there you will have the best angle to capture the Oberbaumbrücke with Berlin Mitte in the background with the TV Tower and all the rest. It’s beautiful.

A Quick Tour of what East Berlin used to look like

Berlin’s history left a lot of marks on the city and most of this marks can be seen in the city architecture. From the Kingdom of Prussia to the Soviets, a lot of people had ambitious projects in the german capital and they left this city with a pretty unique visual.

Most visitors to Berlin, even those curious about World War II history, miss one of the city’s greatest, most curious, and most impressive memorials, the Soviet War Memorial at Treptower Park. Treptower Park just might be the most impressive and important war memorial you never have heard of, demonstrating how a monument can both educate and facilitate reflection.

Alternative Berlin Free Tour: 5 Alternative Sights in Berlin

Berlin is a city filled with history and many places to visit and explore. But it seems that most people come to Berlin to see all the same areas. This is why we decided to develop this alternative Berlin free tour article. 

The Parliament of Trees: Where Nature Remembers the Berlin Wall

The Parliament of Trees: Where Nature Remembers the Berlin Wall

Close to the Bundestag is where you can find the Parliament of Trees against War and Violence. In German, this place is called Parlament der Bäume gegen Krieg und Gewalt and is a memorial for the people who died trying to cross the Berlin Wall.

Berlin Airlift: Surviving the Berlin Blockade

Berlin Airlift: Surviving the Berlin Blockade

The first major international crisis of the Cold War happened in Berlin between April 1948 and May 1949, known as the Berlin Blockade. During these long months, the Soviet forces blocked the Western Ally’s railway, road, and water access to Berlin. And in response to the blockade, the Berlin Airlift came to be.

When it comes to beers, we like to try different things. We like to try something that you cannot find in the supermarket or the spots here in Berlin. This is why we always go to beer events and this is how we managed to find a way to visit the guys at Bierfabrik here in Berlin. We met the guys from Bierfabrik during Braufest Berlin 2015 and loved their beers and we knew more people needed to know about them.

Bierfabrik: Brewing Beers in Marzahn

When it comes to beers, we like to try different things. We like to try something that you cannot find in the supermarket or the spots here in Berlin. This is why we always go to beer events, and this is how we managed to find a way to visit the guys at Bierfabrik here… Read More »What to do and Where…

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