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Three Country Border is know in German as Dreiländereck and, for my surprise, it isn’t in Aachen. The point where the countries meet is located in the dutch province of Limburg, in a small city called Vaals. This is why the hill you have to climb to enjoy this meetings of border is called Vaalserberg and it’s the highest point in mainland Netherlands. So, when you visit Dreiländereck, you are also visiting the highest dutch mountain.

Three-Country Border next to Aachen

My first time visiting a three-country border was when I visited Aachen, the westernmost city in Germany. It took me a few hours on a train to get there, but I didn’t care.

In episode 5, when Noah meets Michael, there is a church in the background. An interesting looking church that made us curious about it and we had to try to find out where is this church located.

Dark locations Around Berlin

Winden, the city where most of the series happens, is not real, and you can find some small pieces of it in and around Berlin.

In early September 2024, I completed packing my bike and set off from Berlin to Copenhagen. Several days and more than 600 kilometers later, I arrived in the Danish capital.

Berlin to Copenhagen by bike

In early September 2024, I completed packing my bike and set off from Berlin to Copenhagen. Several days and more than 600 kilometers later, I arrived in the Danish capital.

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Back in May 2008, Banky organized the first Cans Festival, and it happened at the Leake Street Tunnel. The idea of the festival was to exhibit the work of famous street artists that were hand picked by Banksy and invited personally by him. This is how this disused road tunnel in south London became the Graffiti Tunnel.

The Leake Street Graffiti Tunnel: A History of London’s Street Art

Back in May 2008, Banksy organized the first Cans Festival, and it happened at the Leake Street Tunnel. The idea of the …

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Back in 1911, when the Old Elbe Tunnel was opened to the public, it was an engineering marvel of the world. Back then it was called the St. Pauli Elbe Tunnel due to the area where the tunnel is located but, like the St. Pauli neighborhood, a lot has changed in the last years.

Old Elbe Tunnel: Exploring the Hamburg Underground

Back in 1911, when the Old Elbe Tunnel was opened to the public, it was an engineering marvel of the world. Back then it…

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If you want to escape the bleak Berlin winter, you should head for the beaches and rainforests inside an aircraft hangar close to Berlin. This place is called Tropical Islands, and we spent some time there and wrote why you should visit this weird and wonderful place an hour’s drive south of the German capital.

Tropical Islands: Swimming in a tropical paradise inside an aircraft hangar close to Berlin

If you want to escape the bleak Berlin winter, you should head for the beaches and rainforests inside an aircraft hangar…

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Most visitors to Berlin, even those curious about World War II history, miss one of the city’s greatest, most curious, and most impressive memorials, the Soviet War Memorial at Treptower Park. Treptower Park just might be the most impressive and important war memorial you never have heard of, demonstrating how a monument can both educate and facilitate reflection.

Check out the Soviet War Memorial in Berlin’s Treptower Park. It’s epic!

Most visitors to Berlin, even those curious about World War II history, miss one of the city’s greatest, most curious, a…

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In a future Berlin, an Amish bartender works in a bar with his girlfriend, and that is the story behind Netflix’s almost hit called Mute. Directed by Duncan Jones, Mute shows a Berlin in 2052 that looks and feels like similar to the city where the director’s father, David Bowie, lived in the 1970s.

Neon Skies and Glowing Forests: The Unconventional Future of Berlin in Netflix’s Mute

In a future Berlin, an Amish bartender works in a bar with his girlfriend, and that is the story behind Netflix’s almost…

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I went to explore Flugplatz Brand back in January 2017 when I went to Tropical Islands and realized that the area around the park used to be a military airfield. I looked for some pictures online and found a gold mine of urban military exploration with a Lenin mural, abandoned hangars, and bunkers. And everything seemed terrific covered in snow!

Flugplatz Brand: Abandoned Barracks and Bunkers Close to Berlin

Flugplatz Brand is an abandoned airfield about 60 kilometers south of Berlin. It was built in 1938 as an air base for th…

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You might be religious or not, but this Old Church will bring all the enlightenment you might be seeking since it was converted into a bookshop in Maastricht a couple of years ago.

We visited an Old Church that was converted into a Modern Bookshop in Maastricht

You might be religious or not, but this Old Church in Maastricht will bring all the enlightenment you might be seeking s…

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Before I decided to go to Kaliningrad in October 2017, I did a lot of research about the places I wanted to see and where I could stay. Finding the tourist spots and the unusual places I like to visit was straightforward and simple. But, finding where to stay in Kaliningrad was more complicated than I was expecting. Maybe, it's because this small piece of Russia between Lithuania and Poland is not known as a tourist destination. Perhaps it's something else.

Where to Stay in Kaliningrad, Russia

Before I decided to go to Kaliningrad in October 2017, I researched the places I wanted to see and where I could stay. F…

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