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Hey there! My name is Felipe Tofani, the solo adventurer behind Frame Travel Roam Capture, a blog born from my passion for exploring new places and capturing vibrant moments.

my favorite articles

Built between 1972 and 1976, the building has three floors that used to host restaurants and a night club but, since 2006, it has been closed to the public. Mostly because a new owner has been criticized for the work that he wants to have it done on the building. A golden exterior that would destroy that pop-art appearance that makes Bierpinsel what it is today. Let’s hope there is a better future for this building than just laying there empty.

A Guide to Brutalism In Berlin

From the weird-shaped Bierpinsel in Steglitz to the battleship-style construction of the Mäusebunker in Lichterfelde, Berlin has some of the best examples of Brutalism architecture in Europe…

Three-Country Border next to Aachen

My first time visiting a three-country border was when I visited Aachen, the westernmost city in Germany. It took me a few hours on a train to get there, but I didn’t care.

The year is 2019 and there is a kid missing in Winden. He is the person dealing marijuana to some of the kids in school, and nobody seems to know where he might be. One o the kids decided to put together a group and go looking for the stash of drugs from the missing kids. They follow some train tracks that lead deeper into the forest, while they go looking for a cave.

Dark locations Around Berlin

Winden, the city where most of the series happens, is not real, and you can find some small pieces of it in and around Berlin.

My latest articles, updates, and stories

Our visit to Schulenburg Park and its beautiful fountain in Neukölln

Our visit to Schulenburg Park and its beautiful fountain in Neukölln

You can find the Von der Schulenburg Park in the southern part of Sonnenallee, in Neukölln. Known to the people who live…

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Have you ever wondered about the people you see on the subway? Who are these people and where are they going? I’m not sure if this was what Alex Soloviev had in mind when he put together his short movie about Berlin called Everyday Berlin. I’m not sure if this was his idea but it was the first thing that came to my head once I started watching it.

Everyday Berlin by Alex Soloviev

Have you ever wondered about the people you see on the subway? Who are these people, and where are they going? I’m…

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St. Magnus Cathedral started being built more than 700 years ago on the southernmost village on Streymoy. But it was never finished. Today, the building lays not completed, without a roof, suffering through all these years without any protection. But this ruined church still stands today making it the largest medieval building in Faroe Islands.

Magnus Cathedral and the Kirkjubøur Village

St. Magnus Cathedral was built over 700 years ago in the southernmost village of Streymoy. But it was never finished. To…

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When Dusseldorf decided to modernize its harbor, the city invited famous architects that are given an empty canvas for them to create. One of this architects was Frank O. Gehry and what he designed for the city became Neuer Zollhof and one of the main sights of this german city by the Rhine river.

The Gehry Buildings of Dusseldorf Harbor 

When Dusseldorf decided to modernize its harbor, the city invited famous architects who were given an empty canvas to cr…

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Architect Designed Bus Stop Krumbach in Vorarlberg

Architect Designed Bus Stop Krumbach in Vorarlberg

<div class="aligncenter"><!– Go to to customize your tools –&gt…

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The Berlin Wall is the reason why Berlin had some ghost stations. Most of them were on the S-Bahn line S2, the U-Bahn line U6 and the U8. Those lines travelled through what was then East Berlin on their way back into West Berlin. Trains could go through it but the stations were sealed off and heavily guarded. This happened because, when the Berlin Wall went up, some people realized that they could escape using the train lines. After the East German police realized that, they closed down the stations. This way the stations couldn’t be used as a possible mean to escape to West Berlin.

Berlin Ghost Stations: Potsdamer Platz 1989

When you watch the movie below about one of Berlin’s ghost stations, it’s hard to imagine that this place is…

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Above you can see my bike. There are many like it but this one is mine. Or something like that since I bought this on for Marcela back in August 2013 after the one she had was stollen. She always wanted a bike like this and I got her one. Too bad she really didn’t like the way you have to cycle on it and, kind of, gave up cycling for a while. Every time I meet somebody that just moved to Berlin, I ask them about buying a bike. And it is even better when you can cycle through it with some of what I consider my essential bike accessories. Yes, I have a list of those.

My Essential Bike Accessories #BerlinByBike

A Guide to Cycle in Berlin My Essential Bike Accessories #berlinbybike Every time I meet somebody that just moved to Ber…

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The Berlin Wall was a scar that can still be seen today in the german capital. It split the city into east and west, capitalism and communism, from 1961 to 1989. When it fell, it united the country again and made Germany what it is today.

Berlin Wall: One Year After it was built

The Berlin Wall was a scar still seen today in the German capital. It split the city into east and west, capitalism and …

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