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FTRC.BLOG / What to do and Where to go in Berlin

What to do and Where to go in Berlin

Berlin is a city that has so much to offer, making it impossible to create a definitive “top 10” list. Whether you’re on a whirlwind tour or just want to hit the highlights, these are the articles I wrote about where to go and what to do in Berlin:

Top 10 Berlin Books that you need to have

Our own list of the best Berlin books everybody needs to have as a way to see and understand the city a little better. We bought these books over the years we have been here, and we promise you they are worth every penny.

While most people will be familiar with the Soviet War Memorial at Treptow and Tiergarten, hardly any tourists find themselves visiting the Soviet War Memorial in the Schönholzer Heide. This is such a pity because the memorial is beautiful.

Soviet War Memorial on Schönholzer Heide

While most people will be familiar with the Soviet War Memorial at Treptow and Tiergarten, hardly any tourists visit the Soviet War Memorial in the Schönholzer Heide. This is such a pity because the memorial is beautiful.

An American filmmaker based in Berlin, Nathan Eddy, has documented the efforts to preserve the Mäusebunker in a movie called Battleship Berlin. This 40-minute long movie shows the efforts to save the building and the point of view of those who want to tear it down.

Battleship Berlin: Director Nathan Eddy documents the demolition threat on the brutalist Mäusebunker

An American filmmaker in Berlin, Nathan Eddy, has documented the efforts to preserve the Mäusebunker in a movie called Battleship Berlin. This 40-minute-long movie shows the efforts to save the building and the point of view of those who want to tear it down. Since we have been to the Mäusebunker a few times and&hellip…

For ten days in October 2021, the brutalist concrete structure known as the International Congress Centre Berlin was open to the public as a unique experience of film, performance and art. We visited the ICC Berlin on the first few days of The Sun Machine is Coming Down, a celebration of the 70th anniversary of Berliner Festspiele.

The Sun Machine is Coming Down to celebrate the 70th anniversary of Berliner Festspiele at the ICC Berlin

The Sun Machine is Coming Down lasted for ten days in October 2021. It was an exciting way to encourage visitors to explore a piece of the city closed to the public for years. For us, the most fascinating thing about this exhibition was how the ICC architecture shaped the artwork being presented and how beautiful this …

Generations of Berliners have been to Körnerpark, enjoying themselves in this oasis of peace in the midst of a hectic Neukölln. People go there to play football, to run, walk, relax, picnic and we do it too. In 2016, this Neukölln hidden gem celebrated its 100th year birthday and we are here to show you all why you need to go there and sing happy birthday to it.

A Visit to the beautiful Körnerpark in Neukölln

Generations of Berliners have been to Körnerpark, enjoying themselves in this oasis of peace in the midst of a hectic Neukölln. People go there to play football, to run, walk, relax, picnic and we do it too. In 2016, this Neukölln hidden gem celebrated its 100th year birthday and we are here to show you… Re…

The Berlin Wall Memorial, also known in German as Gedenkstätte Berliner Mauer, is a mix of monuments and museums commemorating the city's division by the Berlin Wall and the people who died because of it. And we consider it to be the best place to learn about the wall and how it affected the city and the entire continent.

The Berlin Wall Memorial: A Visit to the Border Control on Bernauer Strasse

The Berlin Wall Memorial, also known in German as Gedenkstätte Berliner Mauer, is a mix of monuments and museums commemorating the city's division by the Berlin Wall and the people who died because of it. And we consider it to be the best place to learn about the wall and how it affected the city and the entire contine…

In episode 5, when Noah meets Michael, there is a church in the background. An interesting looking church that made us curious about it and we had to try to find out where is this church located.

A Visit to the Church from Dark Series

In episode 5 of the Netflix series Dark, Noah meets Michael, and there is a church in the background. It was an interesting-looking church that made us curious about it, and we had to find out where it was.

The year is 2019 and there is a kid missing in Winden. He is the person dealing marijuana to some of the kids in school, and nobody seems to know where he might be. One o the kids decided to put together a group and go looking for the stash of drugs from the missing kids. They follow some train tracks that lead deeper into the forest, while they go looking for a cave.

The Bridge in Dark and the abandoned train tracks

The location is what we like to call the Bridge in Dark, the weirdest series Netflix has released into the world. We first visited this bridge in Dark by accident in early 2018, and we came back a few more times to explore it even further…

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