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FTRC.BLOG / What to do and Where to go in Berlin

What to do and Where to go in Berlin

Berlin is a city that has so much to offer, making it impossible to create a definitive “top 10” list. Whether you’re on a whirlwind tour or just want to hit the highlights, these are the articles I wrote about where to go and what to do in Berlin:

Grindhouse Burger: dry aged burgers in Prenzlauer Berg

Grindhouse Burger: dry aged burgers in Prenzlauer Berg

Fotostrasse goes to Prenzlauer Berg to try some fancy burgers at Grindhouse Burger for our indulging #52weeksofburger challenge.

This week of #52weeksofburger Fotostraße went to Prenzlauer Berg to try the second burger of February; meet Burgers Burgers. We chose Burgers Burgers because we have heard very nice things about it, and it had some very nice reviews, but as you will see, it was nothing special.

Burgers Burgers: locally sourced burgers but no salt

This week of #52weeksofburger, we went to Prenzlauer Berg to try the second burger of February; meet Burgers Burgers. We chose Burgers Burgers because we have heard very nice things about it, and it had some very nice reviews, but as you will see, it was nothing special.

Lager Lager is a craft beer bar almost hidden in a quiet street in the booming neighborhood that some people like to call Kreuzkölln. This is one of the many examples of how the craft beer scene in Berlin is vibrant and has experienced an excellent number of bars opening in town.

Lager Lager: Our Favorite Craft Beer Bar in Kreuzkölln

Lager Lager is a craft beer bar almost hidden in a quiet street in the booming neighborhood that some people like to call Kreuzkölln. This is one of the many examples of how the craft beer scene in Berlin is vibrant and has experienced an excellent number of bars opening in town.

Hackbert Burger: the best mayo and fries

Hackbert Burger: the best mayo and fries

This week in our beautiful #52WeeksofBurgers journey we decided to go local and check out Hackbert Burger. If you search for burgers in Neukölln you will find this place as one of the top rated ones, so we had to go and see what it’s all about.

Mixtape Burger stands out by the use of bagels instead of your usual burger bun, so there we went in a lovely sunny Sunday to see what is it all about.

Mixtape Burger: come for the bagels, stay for the meat

North of Tiergarten is Moabit, a lovely neighborhood surrounded by the canals, and this is where Mixtape Burger is. Mixtape Burger stands out by the use of bagels instead of your usual burger bun, so there we went in a lovely sunny Sunday to see what is it all about. Our third place in our… Read More &raquo…

Zsa Zsa Burger: Great Burgers and Drinks in Schöneberg

Zsa Zsa Burger: Great Burgers and Drinks in Schöneberg

In the corner of Motzstraße, surrounded by fetish stores in Schoneberg, you will find the burger of the week; Zsa Zsa Burger. We decided to visit this place since it was one of Felipe's favorites; it seemed cozy enough for the stormy winter we are having in Berlin, and well, what a fantastic choice.

At the end of 2018, while everyone was deciding their healthy new years' resolutions, we went the other direction and decided to challenge ourselves to eat a burger every week of 2019, the beginning of this journey was at Shiso Burger.

Shiso Burger: Asian inspired burgers in Berlin

At the end of 2018, while everyone was deciding their healthy new years’ resolutions, we went the other direction and decided to challenge ourselves to eat a burger every week of 2019, the beginning of this journey was at Shiso Burger.

The House where the Wannsee Conference happened during the Second World War belonged to Reinhard Heydrich, who got the house as an entertainment center for those who belonged to the SS and their families. And Reinhard Heydrich was an essential man inside the Nazi Party. Above him, only Adolf Hitler, Hermann Göring and Heinrich Himmler. He used the house as a meeting place for 15 other officials that got together to decide something that was described in a bureaucratic way. But, without any euphemistic terminology, those people had lunch while they talked about how the Holocaust would happen.

A Visit to the House of the Wannsee Conference in Berlin

Back in January 1942, leaders of the Nazi Party got together in a house next to the Wannsee Lake in Berlin. The goal for this meet-up was dedicated to the genocide of European Jews. Something that was later called the Final Solution to the Jewish Question.

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